Prediction of mental health among cadet football players based on the emotional intelligence and perfectionism

Miroljub Ivanović ,
Miroljub Ivanović

College of Vocational Studies for Teachers and Professional Computer Scientists – Sirmium, Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia,

Uglješa Ivanović
Uglješa Ivanović

Telecom Serbia. Ltd., Belgrade, Serbia,

Published: 01.12.2017.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (2018)

pp. 13-21;



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Mla: Ivanović M, Ivanović U. Prediction of mental health among cadet football players based on the emotional intelligence and perfectionism. Exercise and Quality of Life. 2018. p. 13–21.
Ivanović M, Ivanović U. Prediction of mental health among cadet football players based on the emotional intelligence and perfectionism. Exercise and Quality of Life. 2018. p. 13–21.



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