Gender differentiation in tactical options in defense and attack on beach handball

Konstantinos Gkagkanas ,
Konstantinos Gkagkanas

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science, Thessaloniki, Greece,

Dimitris Hatzimanouil ,
Dimitris Hatzimanouil

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science, Thessaloniki, Greece,

Vasilis Skandalis
Vasilis Skandalis

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science, Thessaloniki, Greece,

Published: 01.12.2017.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (2018)

pp. 23-30;



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Mla: Gkagkanas K, Hatzimanouil D, Skandalis V. Gender differentiation in tactical options in defense and attack on beach handball. Exercise and Quality of Life. 2018. p. 23–30.
Gkagkanas K, Hatzimanouil D, Skandalis V. Gender differentiation in tactical options in defense and attack on beach handball. Exercise and Quality of Life. 2018. p. 23–30.



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