Miroslav Savič ,
Miroslav Savič

S2P, Laboratory for Motor Control and Motor Learning, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Nejc Sarabon
Nejc Sarabon

S2P, Laboratory for Motor Control and Motor Learning, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Science and Research Centre Koper, Institute for Kinesiology Research, University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia

Published: 02.12.2012.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (2012)

pp. 1-5;


Measurement of spinal range of motion is frequently used objective approach in
assessment of patients with low back pain, also because of the ease of use. Although
emphasized, stretching of hip flexors and extensors is often performed inappropriately. We
hypothesized that subjects with reduced hip mobility will probably compensate with pronounced
spine mobility and that a significant negative correlation exist between these two entities. Fifty
one healthy adults (age 43.7 ± 15.1 years) that are regularly involved in moderate physical
activity (agility and endurance) participated in this study. Range of motion was measured by
means of goniometry and adjusted Schober method that were previously shown to be reliable
methods for spine and hip mobility assessment. The correlation between spine movements in
different anatomical planes and correlation between spine and hip mobility was calculated. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated between pairs of flexibility variables. Contrary
to our expectations, analysis revealed absence of the correlation between the flexion of the trunk
and flexion of the hip. However, moderate correlations were found between flexibility parameters
related to trunk movements in different direction. Ranges of motion of the hip and of the trunk
give complementary information and cannot be predicted from one another. Therefore, mobility
of both joints/regions should be evaluated in order to get insightful information about movement
function of the lumbo-pelvic region either in the context of low back pain or sports performance.



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