Relationship between body satisfaction and psychophysical health

Nevena Miučin ,
Nevena Miučin
Contact Nevena Miučin

Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia

Jelena Šakotić-Kurbalija
Jelena Šakotić-Kurbalija

Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia

Published: 01.06.2015.

Volume 7, Issue 1 (2015)

pp. 20-30;


Body satisfaction has become immensely popular topic over the last couple of decades, and yet, there are still so many undiscovered aspects of the phenomenon which actively influence people’s everyday lives. In this study, we’ve been investigating the connection between body satisfaction and self-rated symptoms of psychophysical health. Sample comprised 393 women, aged 19 to 76, with different socio-economic status. In order to determine the differences in psychophysical health between women who are satisfied with their body and those who are not, discriminant analysis was applied. Obtained discriminant factor was significant (Wilks’ lambda=0.79; p level<0.01) which indicate that there is a significant difference in the level of psychophysical health between women who are satisfied with their body and those who are not. Results of this study show that women who are dissatisfied with their body appearance are more likely to experience some symptoms of poor psychophysical health (nervousness and irritability, fatigue, anxiety, digestive problems, poor productivity, lack of energy and depressive thoughts) compared to the women who are satisfied with their body appearance. 



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