Akoš Taboroši
Akoš Taboroši

Grammar School for Talented Students “Kosztolányi Dezső” , Subotica , Serbia

Published: 01.06.2013.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (2013)

pp. 53-59;



This study presents the results of the analysis of the effects of body composition on the
manifestation of static strength in girls of lower elementary school age. The sample consisted
of 63 girls aged seven. All the girls were from Subotica and attend elementary schools. Height
was measured by the use of Martin’s anthropometer, weight was measured by the use of InBody
230. The measures of body composition (body fat, total body water and skeletal muscle mass)
were assessed by InBody 230, a device which functions on the base of bioelectrical impedance.
The static strength of arms and shoulder area was assessed by „Bent-arm hang” test. The results
pointed to the statistically significant effects of the body composition on the manifestation of static
strength in girls of lower elementary school age. 



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