Current issue

Volume 16, Issue 3, 2024
Online ISSN: 2406-1379
ISSN: 1821-3480
Volume 16 , Issue 3, (2024)
Published: 09.12.2024.
Open Access
All issues
Original scientific paper
Correlation between acute muscle damage and oxidative protection enzymes during different aerobic exercises
Different types of aerobic exercise can cause different disorders of homeostasis. This cross-over experiment aimed to determine the muscle fatigue and the antioxidative protection of female basketball players following a load caused by three different aerobic-type exercises (low-intensity continuous, high-intensity continuous, and high-intensity interval training). Twelve female basketball players (age 17.7±4.3 years; weight 67.3±9.8 kg; height 178.0±7.4 cm) voluntarily participated in the study. A wash-out period of 7 days between single sessions of different training was provided. Venous blood was drawn right before and immediately after each exercise session. The parameters that were analyzed are markers of muscle damage and enzymes of antioxidant protection. As a marker of muscle damage, myoglobin (F=2.884; p=0.065) and lactates (F=5.254; p=0.008) have higher values and statistically significant differences between training types. Creatinine shows higher values after each training session (F=4.053; p=0.022). Results of enzyme activity for oxidative protection show statistically significant differences between groups for catalase (F=5.811; p=0.005) with different types of training intervention. At the beginning of the preparatory period, parameters of acute muscle damage values are high. During the season, in response to different types of training, those parameters decrease in response to the body's adaptation to exercise-induced stress. Training leads to maintenance of physiological balance in the body and oxidative stress is not a necessary phenomenon of high aerobic training load. The inclusion of antioxidant protection enzymes decreases as the body adapts to a certain type of exercise.
Bojana Marić, Sandra Vujkov
None of above
Abstracts from the 3rd International Scientific Conference on “Novelties in Sport Science”
We are delighted to invite you to the 3rd International Scientific Conference “Novelties in Sport Science.” This event serves as a premier platform for researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts to exchange ideas and explore the latest advancements in sports science.
The conference showcases a diverse range of topics, reflecting the dynamic and evolving nature of this field. From the role of probiotics in athletic performance to the ethical contrasts between martial arts and Western sports, the proceedings highlight a balance between tradition and innovation. Cutting-edge tools like the "Ski Easy" methodology and transformative findings in injury prevention and active aging underscore the impact of science on physical activity and health.
This year, special attention is given to sustainability and inclusivity. Presentations on sustainable sports tourism in Vojvodina and environmentally responsible sports practices emphasize the alignment of sports science with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. Other contributions delve into the intersection of education and technology, exploring topics such as teaching English to sports professionals and using wearable devices to enhance cardiovascular health.
The global contributions at this conference reflect a shared mission to foster collaboration and innovation. From improving injury recovery to engaging youth through cognitively enriched activities and advancing talent identification tools, these studies demonstrate the power of sports science to enhance quality of life across diverse populations.
We extend our sincere gratitude to the authors, reviewers, and organizing committee for their invaluable efforts. Let this event inspire meaningful dialogue, foster international partnerships, and drive new advancements in our field.
Together, we continue to push the boundaries of sports science, ensuring its relevance in an ever-changing world.
Patrik Drid and Damjan Jakšić
Patrik Drid, Damjan Jakšić
Review scientific paper
Discrepancies in the prevalence, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment of stress fractures between long-distance runners and sprinters: A qualitative review of systematic reviews
This qualitative review of systematic reviews consolidates current knowledge on stress fractures among endurance athletes and sprinters, including epidemiology, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment strategies. A search across PubMed, Web of Science, SCOPUS, Science Direct, and Google Scholar, limiting results to articles published within the last year, yielded 90 relevant articles. Initial search results were narrowed down to 56 articles following abstract screening, with an additional article obtained through direct author correspondence. Stress fractures, a subset of bone stress injuries, result from persistent mechanical pressure surpassing bone regeneration capacity. They predominantly affect lower extremities, notably the tibia and metatarsals in endurance runners, and the toe phalanx in sprinters. Various risk factors contribute to stress fracture susceptibility, including gender, nutritional deficiencies, biomechanical factors, and psychological aspects like perfectionism and fear of failure. Diagnosis involves detailed patient history, clinical examination, and imaging modalities such as MRI, which remains the gold standard. Treatment emphasizes rest, gradual return to activity, and addressing underlying risk factors. Surgical intervention is reserved for high-risk fractures or cases of non-union. Preventive measures encompass nutritional optimization, biomechanical assessment, appropriate footwear, and psychological support. Notably, strategies targeting the Female Athlete Triad and ensuring adequate energy availability are crucial in both endurance and sprinting athletes. While more research directly comparing distance runners to sprinters is warranted, along with more sprinting-related research in general, this review provides a comprehensive understanding of stress fractures in endurance athletes and sprinters, aiding clinicians in diagnosis, management, and prevention strategies to optimize athlete health and performance.
Noah Emil Glisik, Matjaž Frangež
Review scientific paper
Overview of systematic reviews on the most common sports injuries
The frequency and nature of sports injuries depend primarily on the specific sport that an individual play. In this article we review systematic reviews to identify and highlight the most prevalent injuries in basketball, football, volleyball, ice hockey, rugby, and handball. We collected data on the prevalence rates of the most common injuries across these sports, revealing that the most common injuries are lateral ankle sprains, concussions, hamstring strains, quadriceps strains, and various internal knee derangements. Notably, the majority of these injuries affect the lower extremities, which are under the most stress during athletic activities. We also provide insights into preventive measures for the three most common injuries. This compilation of data from different sports will prove valuable to kinesiologists, coaches, and sports professionals, helping them to develop comprehensive training programs aimed at preventing injury and improving overall athletic performance.
Manca Zupančič, Jan Marušič
Original scientific paper
Effectiveness of EMMETT technique on Iliotibial band tightness in football players
The EMMETT technique, developed in Australia, is a manual therapy method gaining recognition for its non-invasive approach and reported effectiveness. This study aims to determine the impact of the EMMETT technique on iliotibial band (ITB) flexibility in young male football athletes. A total of 43 athletes (age 17.21 ± 1.99 years) were randomly assigned to either a control group (n=22) or an experimental group (n=21). The experimental group received the EMMETT technique, while the control group remained in a side-lying position for one minute. ITB flexibility was measured using the EasyAngle® goniometer through the Ober test before and after the intervention. The results showed a significant increase in ITB flexibility in the experimental group compared to the control group. Despite the positive findings, the study has limitations, including a small sample size, focus on a specific demographic (young male football players), and short-term assessment. Future research should include larger, more diverse populations and long-term follow-up to validate these results and explore the broader applications of the EMMETT technique. This study supports the potential of the EMMETT technique as an effective manual therapy for improving ITB flexibility.
Teo Radić, Jelena Paušić, Mario Rak
Review scientific paper
Musculoskeletal injuries in bodybuilders: A brief review with an emphasis on injury mechanisms
In this article we reviewed the literature on injuries and their mechanisms in bodybuilders. Bodybuilding is a weightlifting sport where the main goal is to increase muscle mass while maitaining body symmetry. From a biomechanical point of view, it is important to analyse technical performance of exercises to improve sports technique. Compound exercises based on the development of muscle hypertrophy must be included. The training is different before and during season, in pre-season it is based on reduction of body fat to a low level and a high volume of aerobic exercise. Adequate nutrition, use of supplements and banned substances are widespread in the sport. In that case athletes should be very careful for banned substances in accordance with WADA Code. The most commonly performed exercises where injuries happen are the squat, deadlift and benchpress. The majority of injuries (60 %) are acute, with 93 % shoulder joint injuries, 85 % lower back injuries and 80 % knee injuries. The incidence of injuries is low compared to other sports, between 0.24/1000 hours of training or 0.12 injuries per lifter per year. The most common type of injury is muscle strain, followed by tendinitis and cartilage wear. So it is therefore important to identify risk factors to allow the development of appropriate prevention programs. Muscle ruptures are common with high eccentric loads, with pectoralis major tendon being the most vulnerable to be injured. Than followed by a rupture of biceps femoris during the deadlift exercise, during sudden flexion of the hip joint while the knee is extended. Eccentric contraction and rupture also occurs in the quadriceps muscle, which lifters try to avoid by performing low-bar squat. Uncontrolled abdominal pressure during high-weight exercises causes discus hernias, which lifter can prevent by breathing correctly and using strong muscle stabilizers. The most well-known injury of all is elbow burzitis or »Bodybuilders elbow« due to repetitive flexion and extension movements of elbow joint. To prevent this injuries we have to include preventive measures such as medical check-ups, education of athletes, ensuring safety in competitions, appropriate training and load distribution, treating the body as a whole and regular equipment check-ups.
Valentina Franca, Jana Harcet
Original scientific paper
Sports injuries in athletes with disabilities
The aim of the study was to determine the type and localization of sports injuries in people with disabilities who play sports professionally or recreationally and to examine whether there was a difference in sports injuries between these two categories of para-athletes. The research sample consisted of 30 men with an average age of 40.96 years. The sample had two subsamples. The first group consisted of 13 respondents who participated in para-sports professionally. The second group comprised of 17 respondents who take part in para-sports recreationally. The respondents trained individual and team para-sports (parashooting, parataekwondo, paraswimming, paracycling, para-athletics, para-table tennis, sitting volleyball and wheelchair basketball). A questionnaire was created to gather overall demographic data, and a part of the Musculoskeletal Discomfort Form was used to localize musculoskeletal complaints. Descriptive statistics, measures of central tendency, the Mann-Whitney U test and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient were applied. The results showed that 76.6% of all para-athletes have suffered at least one injury, with most injuries occurring during training (63.3%). Shoulder trauma and soft tissue injuries were the most common. Both subsamples reported that they had experienced the most problems in the form of pain, discomfort and numbness in the neck and lower back. As far as people with disabilities are concerned, participation in para-sports carries inseparable and associated risks. Therefore, the data achieved in this study can be used in order to understand the risk factors leading to injury which are specific to para-athletes (disability-sport) and to develop injury prevention programs.
Ivana Sretenović, Goran Nedović, Srećko Potić
Professional paper
Effect of low-dose radiotherapy in rotator cuff calcific tendinitis: A case report
Rotator cuff calcific tendinitis (RCCT) is an acute or chronic painful condition due to the presence of calcific deposits inside or around the tendons of the rotator cuff. Effective treatment of RCCT is crucial for restoring shoulder function, alleviating pain, and enhancing the patient’s quality of life. The treatment of RCCT is mainly divided into surgical and non-surgical treatment. Conservative treatment has been regarded as the first-line therapy, but the effectiveness of these treatments is still not well-established. When conservative treatment fails, invasive treatment, either minimally invasive or surgical, is usually indicated. Nowadays, low-dose radiotherapy has been used for the treatment of various benign conditions, including calcific tendinitis. We presented a 56-year-old female patient with intense pain and limited mobility of her left shoulder. X-rays and ultrasound of the left shoulder showed a massive oval calcification along the greater part of the m. supraspinatus measuring 41x8mm. The patient was first treated with diclopram, peranton gel, and rest. After that, it was decided to try low-dose radiotherapy. It was performed on the Vitalbeam radiotherapy platform with a conformal technique in doses of Gy 8 and 10 fractions. After the last fraction, the pain gradually disappeared and mobility was regained. The ultrasonography control 2 months after the last session showed the total disappearance of the calcification. The use of low-dose radiotherapy for benign conditions is a topic of ongoing debate in the medical community. In this case, low-dose radiotherapy proved to be an adequate method of choice without accompanying side effects, resulting in complete healing and improvement of quality of life.
Nataša Milenović, Sonja Lukač, Silvija Lučić, Vedrana Karan Rakić, Daniel Slavić, Đurđa Cvjetković Nikoletić, Damir Lukač
Original scientific paper
Relationship between reaction time and performance in the 60 m hurdles at the 2022 World Indoor Championships
Previous studies indicate that there is a large influence of the starting reaction time (RT) on sprint performance, but also that some recent changes in athletic rules may affect this correlation. This study aimed to examine the relationship between RT and results in: men’s (M60mH) and women’s (W60mH) disciplines 60 m over hurdles, 60 m hurdles in the heptathlon (H), 60 m hurdles in the pentathlon (P) at the recently held World Indoor Championship 2022 (WIC). The aim was also to determine whether there are differences in RT between M60mH and W60mH, M60mH and H, W60mH, and P, and between H and P. The study included 170 competitors who competed at the WIC. Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient (r) was used for correlation analysis, and the t-test for independent samples was used to examine differences between groups. A statistically significant correlation (r=0.23, N=72, p=0.05) was found between the results and RT in W60mH when observing the entire sample of participants (r2 = 5.29). Considering that in H (r=0.42, N=10, p=0.23, r2=0.18) and P (r=0.54, N=12, p=0.07, r2=0.29), a much higher correlation was obtained between results and RT than in competitors in the 60 m hurdles event, we believe that this is a consequence of different athletic rules that refer to a false start. There are no significant differences between RT for M60mH and W60mH, M60mH and H, W60mH, and P, and between H and P. Coaches should pay attention to developing all parts of the sprint race, including the reaction time.
Milan Matić, Vladimir Mrdaković
Original scientific paper
Influence of health status and loneliness on satisfaction with life, emotional dimensions, and distress in junior handball players
This transversal study aimed to examine the contribution of predictor variables of the construct of health status (objective and subjective assessment of health) to the variability of the criteria satisfaction with life, emotional dimensions (positive affect, negative affect), and emotional factor of distress (depression, anxiety, and stress) in junior handball players. The pertinent sample consisted of 132 junior handball players in – Serbian First League. The average age of participants was 18.25 ± 0.90 years of age. The following measuring instruments were used: 1) the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale – DASS-21, 2) De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale – DJGLS, 3) the Satisfaction with Life Scale‒ SWLS, and 4) The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule – PANAS showed satisfactory internal consistency. The conducted multiple regression analysis explained 51% of the proportion variance of the dependent variable satisfaction with life, positive and/or negative affectivity, and cognitive aspect of distress, where the only statistically significant negative predictors were loneliness and subjective assessment of health status. At the same time, when it comes to the assessment of loneliness in adolescents, these independent variables achieved significant interaction with the subjective assessment of health. This would mean that handball players, who subjectively assess their health as bad, and feel lonelier. On the other hand, the regression model did not confirm the role of the predictor variable objective assessment of health status and loneliness. This regression study has contributed to the existing literature and empirical data on the significance of the rarely explored relations between the constructs of health and well-being in the adolescent sports population. Theoretical contributions and practical implications for future research were also discussed.
Miroljub Ivanović, Uglješa Ivanović